Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How does it spread?

Social networking concluded…………….

In this session lets have have a closer look at the basic types of social networking sites (now onwardswill be called socnet )and the way people use them. First lets start with a thought provoking example of a socnet called Gurgle ,which is a socnet for parents where they can talk or get knowledge about pregnancy, birth, and bringing up children.

On the broader grounds there are two types of socnets viz. internal social networking (ISN) and external social networking(ESN). ISN is the socnet which is created for a special purpose and is closed from the perspective of other people joining who are not involved in the purpose whereas ESN is an open ended socnet which is open to the entry of any one ,i.e free to all entrants and entries through a formal signup and add request.Usually socnets have disclaimers or so called privacy settings which are required to be followed.

Now lets talk about how we get connected on the socnet, this will be easier to discuss and understand after looking at following picture.

Here we can see that a person called dhun is friends with four people on the socnet. All are listed in the friend list of dhun and similarly dhun is listed in their friend list. When deepali logs in into the socnet she sees an interesting scrap or blog from subu ands wants to be friends with him, so she sends a friend request to him and on his acceptnce becomes a friend of him. Now she can interact with him through the socnet and the future prospects are boundless. Here its necessary to understand that two people who were totally unknown to each other have come to know and understand each other. Similarly if another person lets say narayani knows or is enlisted in the profile of subu, he can go through his profile to join and be friends with deepali.

A study by Sridhun Purushothaman, Final Year Marketing Student.

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